August 1, 2017Published by admin on August 1, 2017Categories UncategorizedPublic Notice : Removal of Smt. Anju Bala from the post of DirectorNotice is hereby given to all concerned that Smt. Anju Bala wife of Shri Nand Kishor Mittal (DIN 07589909), who was in the service of the Symbroj […]
June 16, 2017Published by admin on June 16, 2017Categories UncategorizedMinutes of Extra Ordinary General Meeting held on 15.06.2017MINUTES OF THE EXTRA ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS / SHAREHOLDERS OF SYMBROJ MEDIA PRIVATE LIMITED HELD ON THURSDAY, JUNE 15, 2017 AT 16:00 PM AT PLOT […]